Weight: 55g
Dimension: 40.7*19.7*42.9mm
Stall torque: 9.0kg/cm(4.8V),10.5kg/cm(6V)
Operating speed:0.17sec/60degree(4.8v)0.14sec/60degree(6v)
Operating voltage: 4.8-7.2V
Temperature range: 0℃_ 55℃
Dead band width:5us
This will be replacing the MG995.
MG995 Stall torque is 8.5kg/cm(4.8V),10kg/cm(6V) and Operating speed is 0.20sec/60degree(4.8v)0.16sec/60degree(6.0v). The MG996R has a little more Torque 9.0kg/cm(4.8V),10.5kg/cm(6V) and a little faster Operating speed 0.17sec/60degree(4.8v)0.14sec/60degree(6v). They have also upgraded the electronic board to an IC type board, for a much smoother action.
Connect Pin to Power :
Brown : GND
Red : V+
Yellow : signal