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Tên: Cảm biến 9 bậc tự do MPU-9150 GY-9150 - Three-axis Electronic Compass Acceleration Gyroscope Module (Cập nhật: 24/09/2013)
Khối lượng
60 (gam)
Thể tích
4 (cm3)
Số lượng Đơn giá
1 600.000 VND
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Thông tin sản phẩm:
Ẩn nội dung 

The use chip: MPU-9150
Power supply :3-5v (internal low dropout regulator)
Communication modes: standard IIC communication protocol
Chip built-in 16bit AD converter, 16-bit data output
Gyroscope range: ± 250 500 1000 2000 ° / s
Acceleration range: ± 2 ± 4 ± 8 ± 16g
Magnetic field range: ± 1200uT
Immersion Gold PCB, machine welding process to ensure quality
Pin pitch 2.54mm


MPU-9150 is the world's first 9-axis motion sensing tracking (MotionTracking) components designed for smart phones, tablet PCs, wearable sensor need low-power, low-cost, high-performance consumer electronics equipment design .

InvenSense MPU-9150 contains motion sensing fusion calculus (MotionFusion) and the running correction firmware (run-time Calibration firmware), allows the motion sensing capabilities of the products manufacturers, eliminating the need for the selection, testing, integration in the system phase of individual components of the cost and trouble, and to ensure that its sensing component fusion algorithm (sensor fusion algorithms) and calibration procedures (Calibration procedures), to provide consumers with the best performance (optimal performance).

Motion sensing human-machine interface (Motion interface) has quickly become the key features, such as smart phones, tablet PCs, game consoles, smart TV, and many other consumer electronic products. To track motion in free space, the action is to convert the input command to enable consumers to intuition its electronic products interact.

MPU-9150 includes motion sensing fusion calculus and run a calibration firmware enables consumer electronics manufacturers will be cost-effective motion sensing function (cost effective motion-based functionality) commercialization.

MPU-9150 system in package (SiP: System in Package) products, the integration of two chips: one for the MPU-6050, with three-axis gyroscope, three-axis accelerator, built-in processing complex 9-axis motion sensing fusion algorithm of digital motion sensing Processor (DMP: Digital Motion Processor); another AK8975 three-axis digital electronic compass. MPU-9150 is contained in the nine-axis motion sensing fusion algorithm, can be connected to all internal sensors to collect the entire set of sensing data. This product is 4x4x1mm LGA package, compatible with an upgraded version of the MPU-6050 integrated six-axis motion sensing tracking components provide a simple upgrade path, easy installation in space-constrained board.

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Cảm biến 6 bậc tự do MPU6050 Module 3 Axis analog gyro sensors+ 3 Axis Accelerometer Module (GY-521)
Cập nhật: 24/09/2013
Use the chip: MPU-6050 Power supply: 3V-5v. Communication modes: standard IIC communication protocol. Chip built-in 16 bit AD c...
Số lượng Đơn giá
1 95.000 VND
10 90.000 VND
Còn lại :10+